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Filtering material

New. Effective. Available.


Our UgnCleanPellets® are more than just an alternative to activated carbon. Click here to compare the pros and cons of both filtering materials.


>> UgnCleanPellets® vs. activated carbon

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Graduate Environmental Process Engineer (FH)

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Filtering material

For assured gas desulphurisation

Our UgnCleanPellets® S 3.5 are a highly efficient filtering material that is based on biological-chemical reactions and that completely removes hydrogen sulphide from the raw biogas, transforming it to elemental sulphur.

Our equipment is optimised for gas purification by means of UgnCleanPellets® 

UgnCleanPellets® can also be added to an existing gas treatment system (e.g., desulphurisation using activated carbon or iron chloride) to cut down on running costs.

We are happy to evaluate the potential for changing to our filtering material in your specific case.

A real alternative to activated carbon

The UgnCleanPellets® use the energy contained in the raw, humid biogas for the desulphurisation process. Therefore, the gas does not require prior drying. This makes our UgnCleanPellets® a price-competitive and efficient alternative for gas treatment by means of activated carbon.

Benefits at a glanceUgnCleanPelletsActivated carbon
Use of the energy contained in the warm and humid biogas+++
Targeted removal of H2S+++
No corrosion inside the digester and downstream plant components+++
Proper removal of H2S from the digester++++++

Choosing the perfect UGN® Filtering material

Our engineers customise the filtering material to your system, depending on operating conditions, targeted service life, and subsequent use of the filtering material. Our portfolio comprises the following products:

UgnCleanPellets® S 3.5

Filtermaterial UgnCleanPellets® S 3.5, zur Abtrennung hoher und sehr hoher schwefelhaltiger Verbindungen, die Alternative zu Aktivkohle zur Abluftreinigung und Gasentschwefelung

For separation of compounds with high and very high sulphur content

Product description
Biologically-chemically reactive filtering material made of cellulose fibres with added minerals and 35 % iron oxide hydrate

Principle of operation
Hydrogen sulphide is chemically bound and transformed to elemental sulphur

UgnCleanTubes® S 3.5

Filtermaterial UgnCleanTubes® S 3.5, zur schnelleren Abtrennung hoher und sehr hoher schwefelhaltiger Verbindungen, die Alternative zu Aktivkohle zur Gasentschwefelung

Enhancement of UgnCleanPellets® S 3.5 with the following features

  • Larger external reactive surface (due to hollow cylinder shape)
  • Faster separation of high concentration sulphur-containing compounds
  • Significantly improved flow-through behaviour
  • Reduced energy demand (reduced differential pressure)
  • Increased desulphurisation reaction speed
  • Increased takeup capacity
  • Higher filter volume load
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